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People often say that you don't know what you don't know, and WE felt that having someone to get a fresh set of eyes on our program with no skin in the game could point out our blind spots, and also where OUR program was making positive progress.  It was at this point in our season where I asked OUR staff who we could leverage to take the next steps as a football program as we had hit a point in our season where WE agreed that a sticking point occurred, and something needed to be changed in order to have US continue making strides as a 6A football program.  In OUR staff meeting, WE laid everything on the table and one suggestion came from an assistant that had previously worked with Coach Walch at another school.  I immediately made the decision to look into the services offered, and began by calling around.  This does not happen very often, but every coach I contacted regarding Coach Walch and his consulting were enthusiastic endorsements!


I knew from OUR first conversation that this was already going to be productive as we spent about 30-45 minutes on the phone to discuss a google form and follow up conversations about Park Football.  I could tell that he was authentic in knowing what makes Park unique, what our goals were, what challenges and opportunities we faced, and what he would be seeing with the staff and players before he ever stepped into a meeting room or on the field with us.   I could tell that this would not be some cookie cutter program or report as he tailored his observations and recommendations to use data points from his past experiences to create a plan of action specific to OUR program.  I believe very much in the power of words, and thoroughly appreciated how he referred to himself and the evaluations as WE, US, OURS to show that he was right there with US as WE got better because of his time with Park Football.


The ease of working with Coach Walch cannot be overstated, and this became apparent from the moment we began OUR process with him.  After an email and a phone call to begin, he came out the very next week to observe two practices, observed gameplanning and team meetings, and then the following week, he came to observe us on a game night.  He was driven, humble and active in his observations, and each day took the time for a debrief after the practice with me to ask clarifying questions on anything he needed to know to make the evaluation as informative and successful as it could be.


It is apparent that he is working humbly, self-lessly, and with great effort because not only does he want to make you better, but he wants to learn just as much from you.  His detail oriented approach in all areas of OUR program evaluation, willingness to share, customer service, professionalism, and perspective on how to improve OUR program made me feel that every penny spent was beyond worth it.  In his observations of practice, games, meetings, and gameplanning, the amount of improvements have, are, and will continue to be ones that make our program, coaching staff, and STUDENT-athletes progress towards being where WE want to be. Since his reports were shared, I thoroughly appreciate that he continues to follow up and maintain that relationship as he truly wants to make your program better for the long term, and will help you get there. He is not doing this not just for a day, a week or a month with you, he is passionately committed to be in this for the long haul with you and your program and he wants to help serve your football program to accomplish its goals.


If you want to make yourself, and your program better, then you need to work with Coach Walch and Route Tree LLC!


- Rick Fryklund, Head Football Coach Park Wolfpack



"Coach Walch provided me with the insights we needed to have a championship season.  As a first-year head coach having a "second set of eyes" with his experience allowed me to make critical changes throughout the season.  I found his observations of our practices to be very helpful as it pertains to efficiency and personnel placement.  His insights on game nights were especially invaluable; most notably in-game adjustments and identifying personnel matchups.  I would highly recommend his services to any program looking for an extra edge."


- Chris Goodwin, Head Football Coach SMB Wolfpack




“Having Travis spend a week with our football program was extremely beneficial to our success and it is something that I would recommend to every high school football program.  Travis brings a wealth of knowledge from his past coaching experience that will help any program improve their preparation and their day to day operations.  Travis brings a very un-biased approach to evaluating meetings, practice, coaches, players, game planning etc. and his main motive is how can he help make you better.  Travis understands what your limitations or lack of resources may be, yet will offer ideas on how to overcome some of these things to help make you better.  No matter what the success level is of your football program or whether you are a big or small school football program, I would highly recommend hiring Travis to come in and help make you better.”


- Matt Gegenheimer, Head Football Coach - Prior Lake Lakers




“After spending two days in our program, Travis Walch provided our staff with detailed observations that will make us more effective and efficient with practice execution. Our program will be better because of his feedback and the conversations our staff has had through the process. Bringing Travis in to observe how we do things was a great decision that I would encourage other programs to consider. “ 


- Jeff Erdmann, Head Coach, Rosemount Irish




"RouteTree provided a great service to our football program. Travis was very thorough in observing a full day of 2-a-day practices. He did a great job of pointing out the things we were doing well and had many great suggestions for ways that we could improve. It was especially helpful for us in our first year working together as co-Head Coaches.  Route Tree Football Consulting will be beneficial for any football program, whether you are a long-time head coach or in your first year leading a program."


- Rick Sutton & Jon Pieper, Co-Head Coaches - Farmington Tigers




"Having Travis Walch visit one of our practices had an incredibly positive impact. He provided a fresh set of eyes with the goal of advancing our program and improving the experience for the kids. His tips on organization, use of staff and resources, facilities, time management and players perspective are all areas we feel we have improved since Travis’s visit.  His insight and evaluation provides feedback that will result in immediate improvement as well as tips for the long term development of your program."


Brad Wendland, Head Coach - Waseca Bluejays








"Coach Walch provided our team with incredible self-scout throughout the season.  The depth and insight of his reports was top notch, and his ability to take both macro and micro approaches to personnel, schemes and strategy provided us with a decided advantage on Friday nights.  Travis was invaluable in our run back to the state finals and our program was so much the better for having worked with him!"         


Peter Zantop, Defensive Coordinator - SMB Wolfpack




"Travis Walch can serve as a great resource for your program as a film evaluator. He has tremendous knowledge and experience and knows and understands Minnesota High School Football. The information that he passes on is very thorough and can give you an edge when it matters the most."


- Brad Wendland, Head Coach - Waseca Bluejays




"Travis brought an unbiased evaluation to our football team.  He was able to help us out in self scouting and I would recommend him to any team looking for an extra edge."


- Adam Tri, Head Coach - Eden Valley-Watkins Eagles





FILM REVIEW (Off-Season)



"The feedback that Travis provided to me from the film review was second to none.  To be honest, he gave me way more than I expected to get!  His thoughtful and critical play by play analysis was very invaluable to me as an offensive play caller.  It was very beneficial to have Travis look at how we were attacking defenses from a completely different perspective.  He made me look at how we were doing things in ways I hadn’t thought of before.  I would highly recommend anyone who wants an honest assessment of their team to use the services that Travis provides to your benefit!'


– Trevor Narum, Head Football Coach - Lake City Tigers








"Having Coach Walch come and work with our staff was exactly what we needed.  We’ve been to several football clinics over the years but being able to customize a clinic specifically for our program and not having to to travel was a game changer.  Coach Walch researched itinerary topics and introduced implementation methods which were extremely valuable."


- John Stapleton, Head Football Coach - Pine Island Panthers








"Route Tree has brought back old backyard games to our youth kids and they had a blast.  This something our youth sports have been missing for quite some time now.  ALL kids were smiling and having fun!"


- Jeff Johnson, Head Football Coach - Chatfield Gophers




"Route Tree's multi-sport, ball centered approach to football training is unique and very engaging to athletes.  It's clear they have researched movements and skills from basketball, baseball, hockey and soccer and packaged them in a way that is applicable.  Their drills can be implemented at the youth level as well the varsity level of football.  I highly recommend getting Route Tree to bring their new approach to your program."


- Trevor Narum, Head Football Coach - Lake City Tigers








"The youth camp put on by the Route Tree far exceeded my expectations. As a coach and father of a budding athlete, I spend much of my summer traveling to the big Division 1 University camps across the Midwest in hopes of exposing my son to the best minds in football. What I found at the Route Tree camp was a well organized, well planned camp staffed by some of the best minds in football. The staff was energetic and were constantly engaged with the kids. Unlike some of the D1 camps we have been to this year, the player/coaches egos didn’t get in the way. They were having fun teaching the kids!! The kids responded with energy and enthusiasm.

What I really liked was how the camp wrapped up with  speakers. Sometimes kids are told to be resilient. Told about mental toughness and grit. Told that the lessons learned in football will help you in life, but with no follow through as to what that really means. The speakers shared their stories of mental toughness; of how they overcame adversity and how they learned many of these lifelong skills while being coached the greatest game on earth. My 10 year old got it. On the hours long car ride home he talked about how he has had to overcome fears at school related to peer relationships. How he has had to push through and do the extra studying to make sure he has good grades even if he doesn’t particularly like a subject.  He talked about how football gives him confidence and helps him focus. These are conversations from a 10 year old after listening to the speakers. Pretty remarkable in my book.

I couldn’t imagine a more thorough camp. Thank you for all you and your family do."


- Brett Knutson, Assistant Coach / Parent - Caledonia Warriors








"I have been a head coach at Lakeville North for 10 seasons.  Three years before becoming the head coach I asked our former head coach if I could be our recruiting coordinator that met with the college coaches. Since that time I have been the person that meets with all the different college recruiters that come into the school.  I've worked hard to build honest relationships with every school to remain credible for my own players, but also to keep the recruiting process as pain free as possible for our athletes.  I've seen good and bad recruiters come into our buildings. The best recruiters were the ones that did their research before they arrived at the school and searched for the right kids, not just the best kids.  For 12 seasons, there was not a more prepared and honest recruiter that entered our building than Travis Walch.  He didn't just show up and ask who I have, he reached out in advance to make sure he followed our schools protocol.  He provided me a list with all the strengths and weaknesses he saw in potential recruits.  All he ever needed from we was information he couldn't see on film.  His questions were about work ethic, leadership, character, and relationship with his peers and teachers.  He didn't need my advice on talent, he knew what talent looked like.  He wanted to know if the player would fit into their system.  There were times where a talented player did not fit their system and our relationship allowed me to be honest with him.  There were also situations where I felt strongly that a player could do it and he trusted my opinion. Every player Coach Walch recruited was spoken to honestly and those that chose to go to St. Thomas reported back that their experience was as advertised.  Travis a dedicated, knowledgeable, and honest coach.  There are many reasons St. Thomas has had great football, but the honesty and preparation they show in recruitment is at the top of that list."


- Brian Vossen, Head Football Coach - Lakeville North Panthers


















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